Bounty Hunter Bedlam by hwshipper

Title: Bounty Hunter Bedlam
Author: hwshipper
Fandom: House MD/Stephanie Plum Series
Pairing: House/Wilson (eventually)
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 27,000 words
Genre: Romance, Angst, Cross-over, Adventure, Action, Crime, Snark

How much havoc can a crippled Princeton doctor wreak for a disaster-prone Trenton bounty hunter? Stephanie Plum meets House and

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Turn by Saras_Girl

Title: Turn
Author: Saras_Girl
Fandom: Harry Potter
Genre: AU, Romance, Alternate Timeline, Paranormal, Established Relationship, First Time, Kid!Fic, Angst
Pairing: Draco/Harry (past/present alternate: Harry/Ginny, Ginny/Blaise)
Rating: R
Warnings: Some violence, explicit sex
Word Count: 323,502

Summary: One good turn always deserves

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