Tissue of Silver by Fearless Diva

Title: Tissue of Silver
Author: Fearless Diva
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Genre: Pre-slash, romance, post-Hogwarts, suspense, angst, hurt/comfort
Word Count: 76k
Rating: R
Warnings: Some violence, dark arts

Why You Should Read This:
It’s subtle and gorgeous in ways that are both profound and simple. The pace is easy and thoughtful. Harry moves through his feelings about his past, the war, and Draco in such a way that it feels natural and matter of a fact. The characterization, back story, and dialogue is especially well done.

Keira Marcos

Life is short -- read as much as you can.


  1. Wow.

    That sucked me in quickly and I read it all in one go.

    Very cool.

    Thank you for sharing.


  2. Read this in one go. I couldn’t get up and leave it to do anything else. It held me in it’s grip and wouldn’t let me go. Loved it and thank you for sharing.

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