Turn by Saras_Girl

Title: Turn
Author: Saras_Girl
Fandom: Harry Potter
Genre: AU, Romance, Alternate Timeline, Paranormal, Established Relationship, First Time, Kid!Fic, Angst
Pairing: Draco/Harry (past/present alternate: Harry/Ginny, Ginny/Blaise)
Rating: R
Warnings: Some violence, explicit sex
Word Count: 323,502

Summary: One good turn always deserves another. Apparently. Epilogue compliant and AU.

Why You Should Read This:
It’s beautifully written — a compelling look at the “What If” premise and the road Harry takes to get the happiness he deserves. Draco is by turns charming, tragic, and beautiful as he maneuvers in around in Harry’s life in two alternate realities. Harry flails around, gets his balance back, gathers some emotional intelligence and tries to be a good dad and a better man.

Keira Marcos

Life is short -- read as much as you can.


  1. I’ve read this one and absolutely loved it. It was so addictive that I refused to move even when I ran out of coffee. I HAD to know what happened.

  2. I loved this story and the epilogue has been added so the story is complete. it is worth it going back to read it.

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