Named by McLachland

Title: Named
Author: McLachland
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Dean Winchester/Castiel
Genre: Romance, angst, drama, first time, action/adventure
Rating: R
Word Count: 95,000
Warnings: Blasphemy.

Summary: Jesus Christ is dead. Somehow, that isn’t the worst part of Dean’s week.

Why You Should Read This:
This was the first Supernatural fic I ever

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Absolution by Wolfling and Omphalos

Title:  Absolution 

Author: Wolfling and Omphalos

Fandom: Supernatural

Pairing: Dean Winchester/Castiel, Sam Winchester/Ruby

Genre:   Suspense, Drama, Angst

Rating: NC-17

Word Count: 106k

Summary: Against his better judgement, Castiel offers Dean a way to save Sam.

Why You Should Read This:  Set in mid-4th season, this story deals with Sam’s choice

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Are You There Dean Winchester? It’s Me…God. by bunnymaccool

Title:  Are You There Dean Winchester? It’s Me…God.
Author:  bunnymaccool
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Dean Winchester/Castiel
Genre:  Action/Adventure, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Humor
Rating:  R – Mostly For Language
Length:  33k

Summary: Dean Winchester has grown used to God dicking around in his life

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Knives in the Water by steam_pilot & green_postit

Title: Knives in the Water
Author: steam_pilot & green_postit
Fandom: Star Trek: Reboot
Pairing: Kirk/McCoy
Rating: R
Word Count: 18,500 words
Genres: Angst, AU, Hurt/Comfort,Romance,Drama
Warnings: Torture, Violence, Abuse, Gangs

This is mine and [info]green_postit‘s entry for the Trek Reverse Big Bang!

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Situation Normal (All Fucked Up) by Severina

Title: Situation Normal (All Fucked up) 
Author: Severina
Fandom: Live Free or Die Hard
Pairing: McClane/Farrell
Rating: NC-17 (sex and violence)
Genre: AU, Romance, First Time, Angst, Apocalypse, Paranormal, Hurt/Comfort, Dark, Action Adventure
Warnings: Character death (not John or Matt)
Word Count:  

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