Highly Classified and Very Hush Hush by Rageprufrock

Title:   Highly Classified and Very Hush Hush
Author:  Rageprufrock
Fandom:  Stargate Atlantis, NCIS
Pairing:  McKay/Sheppard
Rating:  PG
Warnings: nekkid marines?
Genre: Humor, Crossover
Word Count:  1,704


Gibbs sometimes wonders what he did to deserve these morons, but then he looks through the

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In the Place of Jackals by Auburn/Elba by DancesWithGary

Title:  In the Place of Jackals – companion image: Elba
Author:  Auburn
Artist: DancesWithGary
Fandom:  Stargate Atlantis
Pairing:  McKay/Sheppard
Rating:  NC-17 (fic), G (art)
Warnings: Violence, minor character death, implied/ambiguous major character death, psychological torture
Genre: Angst, romance, established relationship
Word Count:  18,310


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Hide of a Life War by Etharei

Title:  Hide of a Life War
Author:  Etharei
Fandom:  Teen Wolf
Pairing: Derek/Stiles
Rating:  NC-17
Warnings: Hurt/comfort, violence
Genre: Action/Adventure, post (current) series, romance, angst
Word Count:  26,066


“We have received confirmation that there is a hostage situation in progress at a

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Bond Night is Go by sorion

Title:  Bond Night is Go
Author:  sorion
Fandom:  Sherlock (BBC)/James Bond (SkyFall)
Pairing:  007/Q, Sherlock/John
Rating:  NC-17
Warnings: Violence
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, angst, romance
Word Count:  25,910


“Sherlock hasn’t reported back in a while, and I haven’t been able to contact him. This

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These are Our Friends and These are Our Foes (You’re the One I Love Most) by Perpetual Motion (perpetfic)

Title: These are Our Friends and These are Our Foes (You’re the One I Love Most)
Author: Perpetual Motion (perpetfic)
Fandom: Avengers
Pairing(s): Clint Barton/Phil Coulson
Rating: General Audiences
Genre: Action Adventure, Drama, Established Relationship, Romance
Word Count: ~12,700


A day

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