Title: Bond Night is Go
Author: sorion
Fandom: Sherlock (BBC)/James Bond (SkyFall)
Pairing: 007/Q, Sherlock/John
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Violence
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, angst, romance
Word Count: 25,910
“Sherlock hasn’t reported back in a while, and I haven’t been able to contact him. This should be rectified, immediately, since we have new information on his last target and reason to believe that the target might have become the hunter, himself. And my brother, for his many talents, is not an assassin.”
Established 00Q (friends-to-lovers Sherlock/John, later)
Why You Should Read This:
What’s not to like about this variation of Q being a Holmes? Although, hmm, Q is seems to be placed again as the youngest brother. ( ::free bunny to a good home:: )
But this is post-Reichenbach when John isn’t yet aware that Sherlock is alive but Mycroft has determined that Sherlock is in over his head cleaning up Moriarty’s network and needs some help. Since Sherlock is in Chile, which is outside of Mycroft’s immediate control, he goes to MI6 for help. Who, of course, turns to 007.
It’s a good story, well paced, the characterizations are spot-on and the author successfully distracts you from her solution to the problem… nicely written!