Title: all maps welcome
Author: Siria
Fandom: Welcome to Night Vale
Pairing: Cecil/Carlos
Rating: PG-13-ish
Warnings: Elements of dub!con, but probably not (and that only makes sense if you know Night Vale)
Genre: Romance (maybe), Horror (maybe), Mind!F*ck (for sure)
Word Count: 2,714
It’s indisputable that Night Vale exists.
Why You Should Read This:
Siria has an extensive list of beautifully written SGA fic, so I gave this a try.
Okay, my bookmark says “this probably only makes sense if you know Night Vale”… I’ve been lured into Welcome to Night Vale and haven’t gotten through all the episodes but this is a perfect representation of the… oddness, shall we say… that is Night Vale.
Carlos keeps trying to be a scientist but he’s not quite sure what he’s studying. Or if anyone cares.
Just don’t look too long at the hooded figures in the dog park.
Thanks for this. I am in love with Night Vale.