Retreat into Silence by annehiggins

Title: Retreat into Silence
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Rating: explicit
Warnings: Sam is an asshat
Genre: Romance, First time, major H/C
Word Count: 6735


Written for this prompt by deceptivechasm on the no longer exists LJ simon_says_dean: Something very traumatic happens to Dean while he’s with Sam (or

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A beginner’s guide to communing with the dead by suspiciousflashlight

Title:   A beginner’s guide to communing with the dead
Author:   suspiciousflashlight
Fandom:   Supernatural
Pairing:   Dean/Castiel
Rating:  Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Violence Death
Genre: Detectives, AUs,  Murder, Other Dimensions
Word Count:  33432


Maybe it’s the little girl whose disappearance turned into a murder, and

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Doctor/Patient Confidence by custardpringle

Title:  Doctor/Patient Confidence (no link currently available)
Author:  custardpringle
Fandom:  Stargate: Atlantis AU
Pairing:  John/Rodney
Rating:  NC-17
Warnings:  None
Genre:  Angst, Alternate Universe,
Word Count: 14,699


Dr. Rodney McKay, premier neurosurgeon who dabbles in physics and mathematics, has a new patient, one John Doe, amnesiac.

Why You Should Read

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The Howling Commandos HQ Series by rageprufrock

Title:  The Howling Commandos HQ Series
Author: rageprufrock
Fandom:  Avengers
Pairing:  Phil Coulson/Clint Barton (pre-slash)
Rating: Teen
Warnings:  A few passages describing the damage done to Phil, in detail.
Genre:  Pre-slash, Angst
Word Count: 26,994


Even when Phil Coulson was doing something ridiculously, embarrassingly, crushingly human, he was still

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Falling by BlackKat

Title: Falling
Author: BlackKat
Fandom: Harry Potter and X-Men
Relationship(s): Harry/Gambit, Harry/Wolverine, and Gambit/Harry/Wolverine
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Action Adventure, AU, Mild Angst, Menage, Romance, Time Travel
Word Count: 32,636

Summary: (No Author Summary, thus I shall provide.) After being stunned into the shelves holding the TimeTurners in the DoM, Harry

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Imprinted by ellenscult

Title:  Imprinted
Author:  ellenscult
Fandom:  NCIS
Pairing:  Gibbs/DiNozzo
Rating:  NC-17
Warnings:  Canon-level violence
Genre: Angst, Drama, Action/Adventure. Alternate Universe, First time
Word Count: 69,052


Tony and Gibbs hadn’t even heard of “imprinting” until a case of domestic abuse and murder brings it to their attention.  Descriptions of the symptoms

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