Sharp Teeth and Bird Bones by Shaish and Stringlish

Title:Sharp Teeth and Bird Bones 
Authors: Shaish, Stringlish
Fandom: Captain America (Movies), The Avengers
Relationship(s): James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers
Rating: Explicit
Genre: Dark, Romance, AU
Word Count: 32601
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Gore, torture, brief mentions of forced insemination and miscarriage.

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Timeshare by astolat

Title: Timeshare
Author:  astolat
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Child abuse (moderately graphic), graphic depiction of bodily injuries
Genre:  Action/Adventure, First Time, Hurt/Comfort
Word Count: 14,158


It seems that Harry and Draco have run afoul of a tethering spell.  They can’t stand to be more than

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Finding the Path by esteefee

Title: Finding the Path 
Author: esteefee
Fandom: Hawaii 5-0, The Sentinel
Pairing: Steve/Danny
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Canon compliant violence, distressed children
Genre: Alternate Universe, Hurt/Comfort, First Time, Crossover
Word Count: 13,236


Danny quit being a cop when his daughter was diagnosed with Acute Hyperactive Sensory Syndrome and went back

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