Damaged Souls Series by IceWhisper

Title: Damaged Souls Series
Author:  IceWhisper
Fandom:  Crossover:  Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Torchwood, Dr. Who
Pairing:  Jack/Ianto, Spike/Ianto, Spike/Owen plus others
Rating: NC-17
Warnings:  Death of secondary character
Genre:  Action/Adventure, Supernatural, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Word Count: 59,286 for entire series


Ianto, in a bid to maintain his sanity,  leaves Torchwood

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Dawn Will Break by ca_pierson and darkmoore

Title:  Dawn Will Break
Author:  ca_pierson and darkmoore
Fandom:  Stargate:Atlantis, Stargate:SG1,  multiple AU
Pairing:  John/Rodney, with numerous other pairings
Rating:  Mature
Warnings:  Multiple deaths of multiple major characters, Violence, Torture, Mpreg,
Genre: Action/Adventure, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Death!fic, Romance,
Word Count: >90,000


When Atlantis – upon returning to the Pegasus Galaxy

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Bang by rageprufrock

Title:   Bang
Author:  rageprufrock
Fandom:  Stargate:Atlantis
Pairing:  John/Rodney
Rating: Mature
Warnings:  This is not a story about domestic abuse
Genre:  Humor, Romance, Hurt/Comfort (in a uniquely Rodney style)
Word Count: 6117


Back on Earth, John and Rodney have adjustments to make, of course.  Who knew that the hardest thing

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I’ll Never Let You Go (If You Promise Not to Fade Away) by Rabidchild67

Title: I’ll Never Let You Go (If You Promise Not To Fade Away)
Author: rabidchild67
Fandom: Grimm
Pairing(s): Nick Burkhardt/Monroe
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Episodic Violence, Character Death (but trust me – happy ending)
Genres: First Time, Angst, Deathfic, Hurt/Comfort
Word Count: 8,592

Summary: No matter how hard he tries, Monroe

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Into Your Hideaway by thepinupchemist

Title:   Into Your Hideaway
Author:   thepinupchemist
Fandom:   Supernatural
Pairing:   Dean/Cas
Rating:  NC-17
Warnings: rape (off screen but graphically discussed); abuse (again off screen but discussed); A/B/O universe and all the consent issues that go with that
Genre: romance, A/B/O
Word Count:  175,603


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Fealty by astolat

Title:  Fealty
Author:  astolat
Fandom:  Person of Interest
Pairing: John/Harold
Rating: NC-17
Warnings:  Torture, neither explicit nor intense
Genre:  Angst, Hurt/Comfort, First Time, Action/Adventure
Word Count: 9567


While searching for a kidnapped Reese, Harold hears his interrogation and realizes something important about their relationship.

 Why You Should Read This:

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Ten Percent Solution by peg22

Title:  Ten Percent Solution
Author:  peg22
Fandom:  Starsky and Hutch, House/Wilson
Pairing:  Starsky/Hutch, House/Wilson
Rating:  Mature
Warnings: One major character is drug dependent
Genre:  Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Word Count: 16,412


It’s older Starsky and Hutch. It’s House at his crankiest. They collide at Princeton Plainsboro when Starsky comes down

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Ancient Legacies trilogy by MoiraiThanatoio

Title: Ancient Legacies trilogy
Author: MoiraiThanatoio
Fandom: Smallville, SG-1
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex, Jack/Daniel
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Crossover, limited violence

Genre: AU, Crossover, Action/Adventure

Word Count: 10,210

Summary:From the author: In an alternate universe where the Ancients were actually Kryptonian, there is one last living

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What Lies Within by xtricks

Title: What Lies Within
Author:  xtricks
Fandom:  Torchwood
Pairing:  Jack/Ianto
Rating:  NC-17
Warnings:  Tentacle sex, but in a good way.
Genre:  Angst^2, Hurt/Comfort, Drama
Word Count:  50, 135


Ianto becomes contaminated with an alien.

Why You Should Read This:

I hate to even mention the tentacle sex because that

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