The Paper Hearts Killer by Predec2

Title: The Paper Hearts Killer
Author: Predec2
Fandom: Queer As Folk
Pairing(s): Brian Kinney/Justin Taylor
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Violence, Language, Crime, Non-graphic child murder (think CSI or Criminal minds), Mature Sexual Situations
Genre: Romance, AU
Word Count: 215,845

Summary: Brian is a cynical

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If the King had run off with Prince Charming… by C_C

Title:  If the King had run off with Prince Charming…
Author:  C_C
Fandom:  NCIS
Pairing:  Gibbs/Dinozzo
Rating:  Teen
Warnings:  Canon-level violence
Genre:  Alternate Universe, Action/Adventure, Drama, Romance, Angst,
Word Count: 132,145


Tony and Gibbs have begun a relationship, but find that keeping that a secret while dealing with the

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Help, I Need Somebody by BuffyAngel68

Title:  Help, I Need Somebody
Author:  BuffyAngel68
Fandom:  NCIS
Pairing:  Gibbs/Dinozzo, Ziva/Jenny
Rating:  Mature
Warnings:  Suicidal ideation, suicide attempts (past), Mental illness, Dom/sub neither safe nor sane. Death of a major character
Genre: Drama, Angst, Hurt/Comfort,  Pre-slash
Word Count: 75,834


A bad childhood leaves no foundation to stand on

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Cheeseburgers, Tech and Steve by laglemon

Title: Cheeseburgers, Tech and Steve
Author: laglemon
Fandom: Avengers, Marvel Comics, Iron Man, Captain America
Relationship(s): Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Rating: Explicit
Genre: Romance, Angst, Humor, AU, Supernatural
Warnings: Tony Stark is an incubus
Word Count: 97442

Summary: Steve’s known that there are other worlds out there; he just hasn’t paid

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