Help, I Need Somebody by BuffyAngel68

Title:  Help, I Need Somebody
Author:  BuffyAngel68
Fandom:  NCIS
Pairing:  Gibbs/Dinozzo, Ziva/Jenny
Rating:  Mature
Warnings:  Suicidal ideation, suicide attempts (past), Mental illness, Dom/sub neither safe nor sane. Death of a major character
Genre: Drama, Angst, Hurt/Comfort,  Pre-slash
Word Count: 75,834


A bad childhood leaves no foundation to stand on when a long series of events, including malice on the part of a team mate, wear Tony down to the point that he is once more considering suicide.  Instead, he checks himself into Bethesda.

Why You Should Read This:

This is a well written story by someone who knows a lot about therapy, suicide, depression and recovery.  Tony’s lucky and gets a damned good doctor, but climbing out of the hole he finds himself in is difficult.  There is no quick fix, no “love solves everything”, just damned hard work.

If you really like Ziva or Jenny Shepard, you won’t like this.  If you think that all dom/sub relationships should be portrayed as healthy, you won’t like this.  If, like me, casual religiosity in characters that seems  OOC annoys you, you will probably wince a bit.  It does wander into pretty serious schmaltz near the end.

But in spite of some minor aspects of the story that I found mildly irritating,  I am still reccing this because it is a good solid story, well told.  Tony, his past, his relationships with the members of his team,  his feelings for Gibbs, his reasons for nearly deciding to kill himself, are all realistic and very much in character.   It is not light reading, but I enjoyed it very much.

There is a sequel that is WIP, 65 chapters and counting,  that I have not yet read but plan to.


One Comment:

  1. One of my favorites…anything by this author is well worth the read!

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