Life Cycle trilogy by Windseeker2305

Title: Life Cycle trilogy – Life Renovations , Life Agendas , Life Crusades
Author: Windseeker2305
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Harry/Draco and many other surprise pairings
Genre: first time, angst, drama, dark, mpreg
Warnings: violence, non-con, child abuse
Rating: nc-17
Length: long really

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Some Things Shouldn’t Be a Chore by scifigrl47

Title: Some Things Shouldn’t Be a Chore
Author: scifigrl47
Fandom: Marvel (Avengers)
Pairing(s): Steve/Tony (pre-slash), Clint Barton/Phil Coulson
Rating: PG-13 (This Story – Rating will increase with the other stories in the series.)
Genre: Romance, Humor, Angst, Drama, Some Violence
Word Count: 22k (again, this story

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The Twice-Told Tale by arysteia

Title: The Twice-Told Tale
Author: arysteia
Fandom: Marvel (Avengers)
Pairing(s): Steve/Tony
Rating: R (violence, explicit sex, language)
Genre: Romance, Time Travel, First Time, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Action Adventure
Word Count: 15,789

For someone he’d hero-worshipped for so long, Steve Rogers in the flesh is

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If You Liked The Book, You’ll Hate The Movie by paperclipbitch

Title: If You Liked The Book, You’ll Hate The Movie
Author: paperclipbitch
Fandom: X-Men: First Class (2011)
Pairing: Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier, Hank McCoy/Alex Summers, Sean Cassidy/Mystique
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 57,900
Genres: AU, Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Humour, Romance
Warnings: Okay this one has some hard stuff in it;

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Weight and Motion by Sevenfists

Title:  Weight and Motion

podfic by dodificus

Author:  sevenfists

Fandom:  Firefly, Supernatural

Pairing:  Malcolm Reynolds/Dean Winchester

Word Count:  25000

Genre:   crossover, scifi, horror

Warnings:NC-17,  mild violence, angst

Summary:  (author’s summary)  Crossover Firefly/Supernatural – Post Movie.

Why You Should Read This:  I almost  didn’t read this story because the author’s

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How I Spent My Summer Vacation (And Other Myths) by scarletjedi

Title: How I Spent My Summer Vacation (And Other Myths)                 (Or HERE)
Author: scarletjedi
Fandom: Glee/Supernatural
Pairing: Kurt Hummel/Noah Puckerman, Castiel/Dean Winchester, Gabriel/Sam Winchester
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 55,200
Genres: Romance, Angst, Action Adventure, Humour, Paranormal
Warnings: Violence, Crowley trying to get into Bobby’s pants, Blaine is

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