The Madness of Angels by ayalesca

Title: The Madness of Angels
Author: ayalesca
Fandom: Sherlock BBC
Pairing(s): Sherlock/John
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Violence, torture
Genre: Romance, AU, Magic Realism, Urban Fantasy
Word Count: 87457

Summary: Urban fantasy AU. In which John Watson is a war sorcerer recently invalided home from Afghanistan. In London he meets Sherlock Holmes,

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The Whole Equation by esteefee

Title: The Whole Equation
Author: esteefee
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing: McKay/Sheppard; Cladwell/Woolsey
Rating:  NC-17
Warnings: off-screen and pre-story character injuries, replacement with cybernetics; flashback/dream references to the accident that caused the injuries
Genre: Action/Adventure,
Word Count:  17,807


Two years after being reassigned

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If the King had run off with Prince Charming… by C_C

Title:  If the King had run off with Prince Charming…
Author:  C_C
Fandom:  NCIS
Pairing:  Gibbs/Dinozzo
Rating:  Teen
Warnings:  Canon-level violence
Genre:  Alternate Universe, Action/Adventure, Drama, Romance, Angst,
Word Count: 132,145


Tony and Gibbs have begun a relationship, but find that keeping that a secret while dealing with the

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The Darklist by dysonrules

Title: The Darklist
Author: dysonrules
Fandom: Harry Potter
Relationship(s): Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Rating: Mature
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Romance, Criminal lifestyle
Word Count: 87481

When Draco Malfoy, wanted criminal, strolled into the Ministry to give himself up, he seemed destined for Azkaban until he offered to hand over information to

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It Sounds Uncommon Nonsense by Sumokoala

Title:  It Sounds Uncommon Nonsense
Author:  Sumokoala
Fandom:  Criminal Minds, Psych  crossover
Pairing:  Hotch/Reid, Shawn Spenser/Carlton Lassiter
Rating:  Mature
Warnings: Non-explicit description of  victims of a serial killer
Genre: Crossover, Action/Adventure, Romance
Word Count: 24,569


The BAU is called out to Santa Barbara on a case where Spencer Reid

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The Celtic Men Series by Merucha (Emma)

Title:  The Celtic Men Series
Author:  Merucha (Emma)
Fandom:  Torchwood, NCIS
Pairing:  Jack/Ianto, Jethro Gibbs/Tim McGee/Abby Scuito
Rating:  NC-17
Warnings: Violence, children threatened with violence, unethical genetic manipulation, numerous rituals, and magic, both subtle and obvious.
Genre:  Alternate Universe, Supernatural, Action/Adventure, Mpreg (not a major component of the story and

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A beginner’s guide to communing with the dead by suspiciousflashlight

Title:   A beginner’s guide to communing with the dead
Author:   suspiciousflashlight
Fandom:   Supernatural
Pairing:   Dean/Castiel
Rating:  Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Violence Death
Genre: Detectives, AUs,  Murder, Other Dimensions
Word Count:  33432


Maybe it’s the little girl whose disappearance turned into a murder, and

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What Once was Sacred by saltandbyrne

Title:   What Once was Sacred
Author:   saltandbyrne
Fandom:   Supernatural
Pairing:   Dean/Castiel
Rating:  Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Violence & Death
Genre: Detectives, AUs, Romance, Crime, Murder, Fantasy, Nightclubs
Word Count:  55775


Los Angeles detective Dean Winchester works tirelessly to atone for the sins of

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