If the King had run off with Prince Charming… by C_C

Title:  If the King had run off with Prince Charming…
Author:  C_C
Fandom:  NCIS
Pairing:  Gibbs/Dinozzo
Rating:  Teen
Warnings:  Canon-level violence
Genre:  Alternate Universe, Action/Adventure, Drama, Romance, Angst,
Word Count: 132,145


Tony and Gibbs have begun a relationship, but find that keeping that a secret while dealing with the

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Help, I Need Somebody by BuffyAngel68

Title:  Help, I Need Somebody
Author:  BuffyAngel68
Fandom:  NCIS
Pairing:  Gibbs/Dinozzo, Ziva/Jenny
Rating:  Mature
Warnings:  Suicidal ideation, suicide attempts (past), Mental illness, Dom/sub neither safe nor sane. Death of a major character
Genre: Drama, Angst, Hurt/Comfort,  Pre-slash
Word Count: 75,834


A bad childhood leaves no foundation to stand on

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It Sounds Uncommon Nonsense by Sumokoala

Title:  It Sounds Uncommon Nonsense
Author:  Sumokoala
Fandom:  Criminal Minds, Psych  crossover
Pairing:  Hotch/Reid, Shawn Spenser/Carlton Lassiter
Rating:  Mature
Warnings: Non-explicit description of  victims of a serial killer
Genre: Crossover, Action/Adventure, Romance
Word Count: 24,569


The BAU is called out to Santa Barbara on a case where Spencer Reid

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