Lion Rampart by Ladyholder

Title: Lion Rampart Series
Author: Ladyholder
Fandom: NCIS, The Sentinel, minor Barney Miller, eventual Criminal Minds
Relationship(s): Anthony DiNozzo/Jethro Gibbs, Other Slash and Het
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Slash, Sentinel Fusion
Warnings: Canon-level violence.
Word Count: WIP, ~47k through Chapter 11


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Lasting Imprint by Fluterbev

Title:  Lasting Imprint
Author:  Fluterbev
Fandom:  The Sentinel
Pairing:  Blair/Jim
Rating:  NC-17
Warnings:  Slavery, past rape (not terribly explicit)
Genre:  Hurt/Comfort,  Slave!fic, First time, Angst, Alternate Universe
Word Count: 22,227


No one is more surprised than sentinel Jim Ellison when primary imprinting occurs between him and a profoundly damaged

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Taming Of The Sniper by Squeakerblue, thothkristen

Title: Taming Of The Sniper
Author: Squeakerblue & thothkristen
Fandom: Numb3rs/Sentinel fusion
Pairing(s):  Charlie Epps/Ian Edgerton, Blair Sandburg/Jim Ellison
Rating: R/Mature
Warnings: AU, Fusion with the Sentinel, ‘Shifters

Genre: AU, Sentinel Fusion, Sentinel/Guide Bonding,

Word Count: 42,732

Summary: Ian Edgerton, one of the

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Jeeves and the Uncommon Senses by Mice

TitleJeeves and the Uncommon Senses
Author: Mice
Fandom: Jeeves & Wooster
Pairing(s): Jeeves/Wooster, Jim/Blair (minor)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Violence
Genre: Alternate Universe, Historical, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, First-Time, Crossover with The Sentinel, Sentinels are known, Spirit Animals.
Word Count:  83, 200

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Alchemy by Joolz

Author:  Joolz
Fandom: Stargate SG1 and The Sentinel
Pairing(s):  Jack/Daniel, Jim/Blair
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Crossover, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Action Adventure, First Time

Summary:  Four strong individuals come to grips with what’s really important in life

Why You Should Read This: This

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