secretly a reef rat by templemarker

Title: secretly a reef rat
Authors: templemarker
Fandom: Hawaii Five-0/Inception
Pairing: Steve/Danny, Arthur/Eames
Rating: R
Genre: Romance, Crossover
Word Count: ~27.000

Summary: for a prompt on inception_kink, Inception/Hawaii 5-0 crossover, “Arthur is Steve’s brother.”

Why You Should Read This: They might be

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Time Heals by CJ aka WritinginCT

Title: Time Heals
Author: CJ aka WritinginCT
Fandom: Stargate SGA
Pairing: multiple m/m (primarily OC’s), m/f, m/m/f
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: rape/ torture recovery (non graphic descriptions of the assault itself)
Categories: Drama, romance, BDSM, AU
Disclaimer: I don’t own the recognizable characters

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