Birth-Day by Xanthe

Title:  Birth-Day
Author:  Xanthe
Fandom: NCIS
Pairing:  Gibbs/DiNozzo
Rating: NC-17
Warnings:  Death of major character, Explicit violence, Explicit sex
Genre:  Vampires that do NOT sparkle, even a little bit, Action/Adventure,  Drama
Word Count: 10,794


Death is just the beginning….

Why You Should Read This:

Like many people, I am

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City Protectors by shanachie

Title:  City Protectors
Fandom: Castle
Pairing: Javier Esposito/Kevin Ryan
Rating:  NC-17
Warnings:  A few spoilers for earlier episodes
Genre:  Romance, Sentinels and Guides,
Word Count: 22,975

Summary: Castle is an observer by nature and today he noticed there’s something a bit different about the two junior detectives he’s

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Ten Percent Solution by peg22

Title:  Ten Percent Solution
Author:  peg22
Fandom:  Starsky and Hutch, House/Wilson
Pairing:  Starsky/Hutch, House/Wilson
Rating:  Mature
Warnings: One major character is drug dependent
Genre:  Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Word Count: 16,412


It’s older Starsky and Hutch. It’s House at his crankiest. They collide at Princeton Plainsboro when Starsky comes down

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Ancient Legacies trilogy by MoiraiThanatoio

Title: Ancient Legacies trilogy
Author: MoiraiThanatoio
Fandom: Smallville, SG-1
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex, Jack/Daniel
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Crossover, limited violence

Genre: AU, Crossover, Action/Adventure

Word Count: 10,210

Summary:From the author: In an alternate universe where the Ancients were actually Kryptonian, there is one last living

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Proof of Your Existence by sarcasticchick

Title:  Proof of Your Existence
Author:  sarcasticchick
Fandom:  Torchwood
Pairing:  Jack/Ianto
Rating: Mature
Warnings:  Death of major canon character–for a while
Genre:  Action/Aventure, Angst,
Word Count: 24,595


An invasion threatens human civilization and to help stop it Ianto is forced to reveal who–and what–he is.

Why You Should Read

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Untalented And Completely Unprepared, But Giving It His Best Shot Anyway by Dasha

Title:  Untalented And Completely Unprepared, But Giving It His Best Shot Anyway
Author:  Dasha
Fandom:  Stargate:Atlantis
Pairing:  John/Rodney
Rating: Teen
Warnings:  Detailed medical descriptions
Genre:  Angst, Action/Adventure, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Humor, Angst, Romance, Angst
Word Count: 15,870


John has a serious allergic reaction while they are off world and

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The Hindsight Series by rageprufrock

Title:  The Hindsight Series
Author:  rageprufrock
Fandom:  Stargate: Atlantis AU
Pairing:  John/Rodney
Rating:  Mature
Warnings:  Serial child killer is chased and caught with some fairly graphic violence, some of which is committed on a child.
Genre:  Action/Adventure, romance, AU
Word Count: Main story is 23,500


John is an FBI

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Lineage: The Montenegro Curse by ashley_ingenious

Title: Lineage: The Montenegro Curse
Author: ashley_ingenious
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Relationship(s):Derek/Stiles (background Erica/Boyd, Scott/Allison, Lydia Martin/Laura Hale)
Rating: Explicit (NC-17)
Genre: Romance, Drama, Alternate Universe, Mates!Fic
Word Count: 12k (so far)


In 1946, a young Valencia Montenegro unwittingly inspires the

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