i’ll pretend my heart’s not on fire if you steal my true love’s name by queenklu

Title:  i’ll pretend my heart’s not on fire if you steal my true love’s name 
Author:  queenklu
Fandom:  Person of Interest
Pairing:  John/Harold
Rating:  NC-17
Warnings:  Alpha/Omega with concurrent consent issues
Genre:  Alternate Universe, Alpha/Beta/Omega, Angst, Romance
Word Count: 11,830


“You know I can smell it on you,” Detective

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The Doctor and Mr. Jones by Copperbadge

Title:  The Doctor and Mr. Jones
Author:  Copperbadge
Fandom:  Torchwood, Doctor Who
Pairing:  Jack/Ianto
Rating:  Teen
Warnings:  Temporary death of major character
Genre:  Action/Adventure, Alternate Universe
Word Count: 19,112


After the Master died, the Doctor thought he was alone in the universe — but Torchwood is about

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Last Will and Testament by Speranza

Title:  Last Will and Testament
Author:  Speranza
Fandom:  Stargate: Atlantis
Pairing:  John/Rodney
Rating:  NC-17
Warnings:  Accidental incest between strangers
Genre:  Alternate Universe, Action/Adventure, First time, Humor
Word Count:  23,330


John and Rodney have a one-nighter at a hotel before the funeral of Rodney’s estranged father.  Who, it turns out,

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And A Star to Steer Her By by Misachan

Title:  And A Star to Steer Her By
Author:  Misachan
Fandom:  Firefly and Supernatural fusion
Pairing:  Dean/Castiel, Sam/River
Rating:  Teen
Warnings:  No explicit sex
Genre:  Action/Adventure, Hurt/Comfort, Supernatural, Alternate Universe
Word Count:  10,954


Impala-class vessels aren’t used for freight, so Simon has no idea how River’s pod wound up

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Dangerous If Unbound by astolat

Title:  Dangerous If Unbound
Author:  astolat
Fandom:  Person of Interest
Pairing:  Harold/John
Rating:  NC-17
Warnings:  D/s.  Serious consent issues inherent in this entire society.
Genre:  AU, Action/Adventure, Angst, BDSM, Drama,
Word Count: 23,647


In a world where some people are natural dominants and submissives, the dominants can control others

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The Taming of the Fly by quasar273

Title: The Taming of the Fly
Author:  quasar273
Fandom:  Stargate: Atlantis
Pairing:  John/Rodney
Rating:  NC-17
Warnings:  Sex with a partial-human, Dub-con
Genre:  Hurt/Comfort, Humor, First time, Romance
Word Count: ~13,000


Carson says John will be fully human again in a few weeks, but right now he is more bug

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Dream a Little Dream of You by MrsHammill

Title:  Dream a Little Dream of You
Author:  MrsHammill
Fandom:  Stargate:Atlantis
Pairing:  John/Rodney
Rating: NC-17
Warnings:  Apparent death of major character
Genre:  Angst, Action/Adventure
Word Count: 14,006


It was an accident.  There wasn’t anything anyone could have done.  But John, miserable and lonely, keeps dreaming about Rodney.

Why You

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