Hide of a Life War by Etharei

Title:  Hide of a Life War
Author:  Etharei
Fandom:  Teen Wolf
Pairing: Derek/Stiles
Rating:  NC-17
Warnings: Hurt/comfort, violence
Genre: Action/Adventure, post (current) series, romance, angst
Word Count:  26,066


“We have received confirmation that there is a hostage situation in progress at a

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Macavity by LadyRa

Title:  Macavity
Author:  Lady Ra
Fandom:  NCIS with an Avengers Crossover
Pairing:  Gibbs/DiNozzo, secondary Phil Coulson/Clint Barton
Rating:  NC-17
Warnings: Fluff, gratuitous reference to Disney movies, minor comic book violence
Genre: Romance, Humor, First Time
Word Count:  72,813


Tony comes into an

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