Dawn Will Break by ca_pierson and darkmoore

Title:  Dawn Will Break
Author:  ca_pierson and darkmoore
Fandom:  Stargate:Atlantis, Stargate:SG1,  multiple AU
Pairing:  John/Rodney, with numerous other pairings
Rating:  Mature
Warnings:  Multiple deaths of multiple major characters, Violence, Torture, Mpreg,
Genre: Action/Adventure, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Death!fic, Romance,
Word Count: >90,000


When Atlantis – upon returning to the Pegasus Galaxy

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An Earlier Heaven by Regann

Title: An Earlier Heaven
Author: Regann
Fandom:  X-Men: First Class (2011)
Pairing:  Erik/Charles
Rating:  Mature
Warnings: Violence, References to Mpeg
Genre: Drama, Action/Adventure, Previous Relationship, Mpreg, Kidfic,  Alternate Universe
Word Count: 67, 420


In the wake of Cuba, Charles and his

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A Change In Perspective by Roozette

Title: A Change In Perspective
Author: Roozette
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco, background Hermionie/Blaise
Rating: PG-13, maybe R in some spots
Warnings: potions accident, de-aged Harry

Genre: AU, Kid fic, Drama, Humor

Word Count: 121,281

Summary: Once there was a potions accident… Ha!

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Monroe’s Fairytale Halfway House by mrsvc

Title: Monroe’s Fairytale Halfway House
Author: mrsvc
Fandom: Grimm
Pairing(s): Nick/Monroe, Roddy Geiger/Barry Rabe
Rating: PG13
Warnings: None
Genres: First Time, Kid Fic, Angst
Word Count: 8,034

Summary: Monroe looks at Nick, with his bright blue eyes and his silly teenage boy hair cut, and he thinks maybe it isn’t

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Paws of Fury by Veritas03

Title: Paws of Fury
Author: Veritas03
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco, background Hermione/Ron
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: fluff, sap, odd magic, AU, Epilogue? What Epilogue? (EWE), does it count as a kid fic if  Harry is affected by a curse?

Genre: AU, romance,  odd protective

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Yours, Mine, and Ours series by robling_t

Title:  Yours, Mine, and Ours series
Author:  robling_t
Fandom:  Torchwood, Dr. Who
Pairing:  (deep breath) Jack Harkness/the Doctor,  Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones, Owen Harper/Andy Davison/Toshiko Sato (just go with her here, you won’t be sorry), and het pairings too numerous to mention on a slash site.
Rating:  Teenish, not explicit

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Stiles’s Story Time by trilliath

Title: Stiles’s Story Time
Author: trilliath
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Relationship(s): Derek/Stiles
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Romance, Drama, Alternate Universe, Kid!Fic
Word Count: 125k (Yup, EPIC!)



Where Stiles is a librarian who is in charge of the kids’ reading hour and such.

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Nature and Nurture by earlgreytea68

Title: Nature and Nurture 
Author: earlgreytea68
Fandom: Sherlock (BBC)
Pairing(s): John/Sherlock, Mycroft/Lestrade (background)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Mentions of Cloning, Post-Reichenbach
Genre: Alternate Universe,  Kid!fic, Romance, First-Time
Word Count:  203, 273

The British Government accidentally clones Sherlock Holmes. Which brings a baby

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Proof That Tony Stark Has A Heart by orphan_account

Title: Proof That Tony Stark Has A Heart
Author: orphan_account
Fandom: Marvel Universe; Iron Man 1, Iron Man 1, and Avengers. Harry Potter
Relationship(s): Tony Stark/Harry Potter, Clint Barton/Phil Coulson, Remus Lupin/Bruce Banner
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Romance, MPreg, Kid!fic, Drama, Angst, First Time, Action

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