The Other Man out of Time by sara_holmes

TitleThe Other Man out of Time
Author: sara_holmes
Fandom: The Avengers/Marvel Movies
Pairing(s): James “Bucky” Barnes/Clint Barton
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Nothing beyond the movies
Genres: Angst, Action, Drama, Time Travel
Word Count: 97401


Also known as Time Travelling Clint

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But I’m A Lieutenant Colonel by Indybaggins

Title: But I’m A Lieutenant Colonel
Author: Indybaggins
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing(s): Rodney McKay/John Sheppard, Evan Lorne/David Parrish
Rating: Teen
Warnings: None
Genres: Humor, Crack, First Time
Word Count: 7,361

Summary: “Wait- let me get this right. You,” John points, “were never gay, and I was never gay, so you

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A Sequence That You Never Learned by annataylor

Title: A Sequence That You Never Learned
Author: annataylor
Fandom: Star Trek 2009
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: Explicit
Genre: Alternate Universe, Romance, KidFic, Humour, Fake Marriage, Adoption
Word Count: 65105


“‘Spock,’ Jim breathes out, completely overwhelmed by the gesture—not quite believing that Spock knows him so

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Lion Rampart by Ladyholder

Title: Lion Rampart Series
Author: Ladyholder
Fandom: NCIS, The Sentinel, minor Barney Miller, eventual Criminal Minds
Relationship(s): Anthony DiNozzo/Jethro Gibbs, Other Slash and Het
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Slash, Sentinel Fusion
Warnings: Canon-level violence.
Word Count: WIP, ~47k through Chapter 11


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Apostrophes (Punctuation Series) by dogpoet

Title: Apostrophes (Punctuation Series)
Author: dogpoet
Fandom: Inspector Lewis
Pairing(s): Robert Lewis/James Hathaway
Rating: General but moves to Mature in the series
Warnings: Mention of child abuse and suicide
Genre: Romance, AU, Detective, Crime, Angst, First Time, Age Difference, Families
Word Count: 1049


He’d never even noticed apostrophes before

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