Bond Night is Go by sorion

Title:  Bond Night is Go
Author:  sorion
Fandom:  Sherlock (BBC)/James Bond (SkyFall)
Pairing:  007/Q, Sherlock/John
Rating:  NC-17
Warnings: Violence
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, angst, romance
Word Count:  25,910


“Sherlock hasn’t reported back in a while, and I haven’t been able to contact him. This

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Fill Our Mouths With Cinammon Now by lbmisscharlie

Title: FIll Our Mouths With Cinammon
Author:  Ibmisscharlie
Fandom:  BBC Sherlock
Pairing:  John/Sherlock
Rating:  NC-17
Warnings: Angst, dubious parenting, child endangerment, descriptions of violence

Genre: kid fic, romance

Word Count:  114,348

Summary:When Sherlock invited John to live with him in 221B, he forgot

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The Least of All Possible Mistakes by rageprufrock

Title:  The Least of All Possible Mistakes
Author: rageprufrock
Fandom: BBC’s Sherlock
Pairing: Mycroft Holmes/ D.I. Lestrade
Word Count: 118,096
Genre: Genderswap, Humor, Romance, Drama
Rating: Mature (R)

Summary: If ever a people deserved tasering, it’s Holmeses.

Why You Should Read This: This fic is AMAZING. There aren’t words. It’s

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Secrets and Revelations by Hisstah

Title:  Secrets and Revelations
Author:  Hisstah
Fandom: Sherlock (BBC)
Pairing: John/Sherlock
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Violence, Alpha/Beta/Omega, possible dub-con
Genre: Romance, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Word Count: 83,525

Summary: Dr John Watson has some major secrets that he’s kept from his flatmate, Alpha Sentinel Sherlock Holmes.

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