A Kryptonian in King Arthur’s Court by Kyanoswolf

Title: A Kryptonian in King Arthur’s Court
Author: kyanoswolf
Fandom: Smallville/SG-1
Pairing: Clark/Lex
Genre: Action Adventure, Crossover, Drama

Summary: Season four of Smallville happened very differently. Some of the players weren’t who you thought. And season five had a very different beginning. As for how SG-1 got involved sometime

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j’veux ton amour, et je m’en fous d’après by Hackthis

Title:  j’veux ton amour, et je m’en fous d’après
Author:  hackthis
Fandom:  Inception
Pairing:  Arthur/Eames
Rating:  NC-17
Summary:  This is the fic that got me hooked on this fandom. Witty fluff that rocked.

Why You Should Read This:  Because there is banter!  And Eames’ mother rocked my world.

“Is it

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