All the Rules to Break by Foxxcub

Title: All the Rules to Break
Author: Foxxclub
Fandom: Inception
Pairing: Aurthur/Eames
Rating: R
Warning: Violence
Genre: Angst, AU, Romance
Word Count: 27,718

Summary: A notorious serial killer returns after a three-year hiatus, reminding Detective Arthur Moss of the infamous case he couldn’t close. But when the FBI becomes involved, Arthur is forced to work side-by-side once again with Special Agent Daniel Eames, a man who knows Arthur better than Arthur himself will ever admit. Both men must confront their past and heal old wounds in order to bring a psychopath to justice.

Why You Should Read This:
I got lucky. I was on AO3 last night wandering about because I couldn’t sleep and I clicked on the Inception category. I’ve never read anything in the fandom so coming into a fresh fandom with no recs and only the knowledge of movie I’ve seen once can be daunting. I felt this story would be a good stepping off point since it was AU and didn’t involve any of the mythology of the movie (which I need to watch again) and I really enjoyed it. The characterizations was awesome, the author’s craft work was stellar, and I really connected with the character of Arthur from practically the first paragraph. I highly recommend this fic.

Keira Marcos

Life is short -- read as much as you can.

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