Title: Who Has Known Heights
Author: MountainRose, szzzt
Fandom: Iron Man, Avengers
Pairing(s): Steve/Tony
Rating: R
Warnings: Alternate injuries from Iron Man movie, Amputation, Prosthesis, Physical Therapy, Avengers fighting bad guys, slow build, angst
Genre: Sci-Fi, AU
Word Count: 72,350
Summary: Before his injury, Tony had been a fast, intuitive flier: agile in the air, as those of his wingshape usually were, able to tumble and swoop and then trade back the speed for lift, and always get the best of the bargain.
That was how he referred to it; not ‘abduction’ or ‘captivity’ or ‘maiming’ but injury, the most neutral word possible. Though Steve had never, not once heard him call it an accident.
Why You Should Read This: Its basically everyone with Wings! A lot of the story is a re-telling of the events of Iron Man leading up to the Avengers movie. There are descriptions of injuries to Tony’s wings as opposed to shrapnel in his body causing the need for the Arc reactor. This one doesn’t have IM2, and mostly skips to the end of the Avengers move. Its a really cute Tony/Steve that takes a while to get to, but is very nice when it does happen. Plus, Natasha as a Physical Therapist is/was interesting to read.
This was absolutely lovely.