Swung by Serafim — by flamethrower

Title: Swung by Serafim
Author: flamethrower
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Harry Potter/Severus Snape; too many others to list
Rating:  R – for violence
Warnings: major character death (not Harry or Severus); canon-level violence
Genre: AU
Word Count:  352,366 (!)


In 1993, Gilderoy Lockhart points a stolen wand at Harry Potter and Ron Weasley with the intent to Obliviate them.

The wand doesn’t backfire. Gilderoy’s “discovery” of the Chamber of Secrets is a short-term success.

Other consequences are not short-term at all.

Why You Should Read This:

This story is epic.

Told from Severus’ POV, it starts with the (not so) simple thought that the Obliviate in the Chamber of Secrets takes *all* of Harry’s memories.

The Harry that returns to Hogwarts the next September is a new person. Living with Sirius Black, Harry is intelligent, well-mannered and interested in learning everything! He confounds all of Severus’ expectations, and Severus soon finds an awkward friendship with Harry.

The story covers a period of over 10 years, from Harry’s fourth year, through an early graduation, to the defeat of Voldemort (at about half way through the story), through Harry’s early adulthood.

It’s full of love and life (and sadness, at the Battle of Hogwarts), to unexpected friendships, new loves and – at the very end – Harry and Severus finally getting together. Sort of!

The R rating is for canon-level violence, only. No sex between anyone! But it’s well written and has some thought provoking ideas I’ve not seen elsewhere.



One Comment:

  1. This story is awesome. Snape is everything his character could have been but wasn’t. He’s sky, snarky, sarcastic, yet human. I’m on my 10th or 20th rereading.

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