Live Fast, Die Old by rivlee and gaygreekgladiator

Series TitleLive Fast, Die Old 
Author: rivlee and gaygreekgladiator
Fandom: Spartacus
Pairing(s): Auctus/Duro, Agron/Nasir, Chadara/Saxa
Rating: G to Mature
Genre: Alternate Universe, Fluff, Modern Setting
Word Count: 60,840
Summary: Getting together and various slices of life for our German brothers.

Why You Should Read This: This is not, on the face of it, anything new or particularly original, just a series of getting together stories and relationship vignettes about our favorite gang of gladiators/rebels in the modern world.  That said, it is the combined efforts of two of the best writers in this fandom, and it is done spectacularly well.  It’s mostly fluff, honestly, but I reread it time and time again.

The main focus is Auctus and Duro, though everyone does feature heavily.  Neither were in canon for long, and they didn’t exist in the same timeline.  It can pretty much be read as original fiction where everyone has funky names.

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