Every Day A Holiday I: Summer by Scribe

Title:  Every Day A Holiday I:  Summer
Author:  Scribe
Fandom:  The Sentinel
Pairing:  Jim/Blair
Rating:  R
Genre:  Humor, First Time
Warnings:   None
Word Count:  102,000

Summary: It started out as trivia–it ended up as Blair’s summer project to drive Jim nuts. Who knew there were so many bizarre American holidays?

Why you should read this:
It starts when Blair tricks Jim into betting him that he could not celebrate a legitimate holiday ever day for three months.  Blair is nothing if not inventive as he goes out of his way to prove Jim wrong and along the way alternately amuses and aggravates the rest of the bullpen.  A long but lighthearted fic with moments of great humor.


  1. Oh I love this series of stories! thanks for reminding me of them — i’ll have to bookmark in my “cheer up fic” folder.

  2. Hi. The link no longer works. Can you please tell me where I can find an updated link. Thank you

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