I’ll Never Let You Go (If You Promise Not to Fade Away) by Rabidchild67

Title: I’ll Never Let You Go (If You Promise Not To Fade Away)
Author: rabidchild67
Fandom: Grimm
Pairing(s): Nick Burkhardt/Monroe
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Episodic Violence, Character Death (but trust me – happy ending)
Genres: First Time, Angst, Deathfic, Hurt/Comfort
Word Count: 8,592

Summary: No matter how hard he tries, Monroe

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Sideways, and Slantways, and Longways, and Backways by hologramophone

Title:  Sideways, and Slantways, and Longways, and Backways
Author:  hologramophone
Fandom: TeanWolf
Pairing(s): Derek/Stiles
Rating: PG
Warnings:  None
Genre: Alternate Universe, Pre-Slash, Humor, Office AU
Word Count: 7, 799

“I called you a slave-driver!” Stiles cried hysterically. “I called you an

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Fealty by astolat

Title:  Fealty
Author:  astolat
Fandom:  Person of Interest
Pairing: John/Harold
Rating: NC-17
Warnings:  Torture, neither explicit nor intense
Genre:  Angst, Hurt/Comfort, First Time, Action/Adventure
Word Count: 9567


While searching for a kidnapped Reese, Harold hears his interrogation and realizes something important about their relationship.

 Why You Should Read This:

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The Art and Craft of Shutting (the fuck) Up by wired_lizard

Title:  The Art and Craft of Shutting (the fuck) Up
Author:  wired_lizard
Fandom:  Ironman, Torchwood
Pairing:  Tony Stark/Jack Harkness
Rating: NC-17
Warnings:  Bondage.  Rough sex. It looks a little like dubious consent, but it really isn’t.
Genre:  BDSM, Humor,  First Time
Word Count: 4,837


“You,” he says, breaking the

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Rejection by CeliaEquus

Title: Rejection
Author: CeliaEquus
Fandom: Avengers, Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Iron Man
Pairing(s): Tony Stark/Phil Coulson
Rating: R
Warnings: Soul Mate rejection, AU, NO CHARACTER DEATH!  hurt feelings yes, death no!

Genre: AU, romance, soul mate rejection, pining, pre-slash

Word Count: 4,226


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