Unexpected Meetings by Xennie_B

Title:  Unexpected Meetings
Author:  Xennie_B
Fandom:  Torchwood
Pairing:  Jack/Ianto
Rating: Teen
Warnings:  Canon level violence, temporary death of major character who routinely doesn’t stay dead
Genre:  Hurt/Comfort, Action/Adventure,  Outsider perspective, Angst
Word Count: 5871


Jack decides Ianto’s due for a break and a bit of a sleep in, so

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Self Defense by Speranza

Title:  Self Defense
Author:  Speranza
Fandom:  Person of Interest
Pairing:  John/Harold
Rating:  NC-17
Warnings:  Graphic violence, dub con
Genre:  Angst, Hurt/Comfort, First time, Pre-slash, Romance,
Word Count: 4970


Saving John, Harold must kill.  Saving Harold, John does something he is pretty sure Harold won’t forgive.

Why You Should Read

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Lasting Imprint by Fluterbev

Title:  Lasting Imprint
Author:  Fluterbev
Fandom:  The Sentinel
Pairing:  Blair/Jim
Rating:  NC-17
Warnings:  Slavery, past rape (not terribly explicit)
Genre:  Hurt/Comfort,  Slave!fic, First time, Angst, Alternate Universe
Word Count: 22,227


No one is more surprised than sentinel Jim Ellison when primary imprinting occurs between him and a profoundly damaged

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i’ll pretend my heart’s not on fire if you steal my true love’s name by queenklu

Title:  i’ll pretend my heart’s not on fire if you steal my true love’s name 
Author:  queenklu
Fandom:  Person of Interest
Pairing:  John/Harold
Rating:  NC-17
Warnings:  Alpha/Omega with concurrent consent issues
Genre:  Alternate Universe, Alpha/Beta/Omega, Angst, Romance
Word Count: 11,830


“You know I can smell it on you,” Detective

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Composition by nieded

Title:  Composition
Author: nieded
Fandom:  Torchwood
Pairing:  Jack/Ianto
Rating:  Mature
Warnings:  Creepy
Genre:  Action/Adventure, Drama, Dark, Horror-ish
Word Count: 8,350


Although it wasn’t clear initially, we have found many materials bearing the Torchwood symbol. Obviously, since Torchwood Three is the only functioning Torchwood cell remaining, you have first

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The Doctor and Mr. Jones by Copperbadge

Title:  The Doctor and Mr. Jones
Author:  Copperbadge
Fandom:  Torchwood, Doctor Who
Pairing:  Jack/Ianto
Rating:  Teen
Warnings:  Temporary death of major character
Genre:  Action/Adventure, Alternate Universe
Word Count: 19,112


After the Master died, the Doctor thought he was alone in the universe — but Torchwood is about

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Trauma Medicine by Kispexi2

Title:  Trauma Medicine
Author: Kispexi2
Fandom:  Firefly
Pairing:  Mal/Simon
Rating:  NC-17
Warnings:   Sexual violence, including gang rape, which is described relentlessly but not terribly explicitly.  PTSD. Torture. Canon-level violence. Experimentation on unwilling human subjects, including brain damage (from canon).
Genre: Drama, Action/Adventure, Darker than canon, Serious Angst, Hurt/Comfort

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Last Will and Testament by Speranza

Title:  Last Will and Testament
Author:  Speranza
Fandom:  Stargate: Atlantis
Pairing:  John/Rodney
Rating:  NC-17
Warnings:  Accidental incest between strangers
Genre:  Alternate Universe, Action/Adventure, First time, Humor
Word Count:  23,330


John and Rodney have a one-nighter at a hotel before the funeral of Rodney’s estranged father.  Who, it turns out,

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