A New Direction by ECliaredeLoon

Title: A New Direction
Author: ECliaredeLoon
Fandom: Glee
Pairing: Kurt Hummel/Sam Evans
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 295,000 words (Seriously)
Genres: Romance, First Time, Humour, Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: Underage sex. Brief mentions of non-con, but none in current context. All sex being participated in is consensual. Homophobic bigotry.

Sam Evans was a rational person. So why was he leaving Dalton, again? Eventual Hevans with Blaine and Co. friendship. AU!

Why You Should Read This:
I really enjoyed this fic, from start to finish. I’ve been following from around the 3rd chapter, and now complete at 32 chapters and 295,000 words I still enjoyed the whole thing. While it is easy going, it does deal with the normal teenage drama that can occur, but it doesn’t become the whole plot or overtake the romance. Which is the focal point of the whole fic. Just a long, lovely story that I wouldn’t hesitate to read again, when I had a couple days to finish it.

The author has mentioned several times that they are going to write a sequel, but this fic is complete as is.


  1. I love you so much right now! Thank you for the rec. I’ve been looking for somthing long to read for the last week. I’m so glad that you stumbled upon this fic. I look forward to reading it.

  2. Thanks! I always enjoy a long read myself. This one is particularly lovely. 🙂

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