Total Recall by ca_pierson and darkmoore

Total Recall by ca_pierson and darkmoore
Genre: AU

Total Recall 1Total Recall 2Total Recall 3Total Recall 4 | Total Recall 5 | Total Recall 6
Summary: John discovers his very distant past and the effects on his current situation ripple out in waves both big and small.

Why you should read this:

Because this is made of total win. I ate this fic and I’ve read it three time since it was posted. I wait (very patiently) for the next part and I hope it never, ever ends. LOL.

Keira Marcos

Life is short -- read as much as you can.

One Comment:

  1. You’re right. This story is made of total win. Loved reading it and waiting for the next chapter nearly as desperate as for your next releases. But only almost 😉

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