Title: These Things Were Promises
Author: paperclipbitch
Pairing: Holmes/Watson
Fandom: Sherlock Holmes (Ritchie ‘Verse)
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 53,181
Spoilers: Sort of set pre-movie, but in an AU where there won’t be a movie. So: no.
Summary: Watson has had to take a brutal course in being honest with himself so nothing Holmes says will ever be a surprise.
This story is told in 6 posts on Live Journal
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part 5a | Part 5b
Why You Should Read This:
Because I adore this fandom and this is excellent work! The story is engaging, angsty, awesome, and very rewarding to read. Just awesome!!!
Thank you for this rec. I’m used to the PBS versions of Holmes and Watson and never considered H/W slash until RDJ and JL brought the sexy back. So, I followed the link to this recommendation. The story was great and I have now been sucked into a new fandom.:-)
Hi Keira,
could you check the links please? I only get “Access closed” and it sounds interresting.
The fic is friend locked at the moment. The author appears to be taking a break. Hopefully she’ll come back.
Thanks for looking. I hope the author hurries with her/his break.
This fic is also on a03 https://archiveofourown.org/works/469074