That Guy by Utopian Trunks

Title: That Guy 
Author: Utopian Trunks
Fandom: Die Hard 4.0
Pairing: John/Matt
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Romance, First Time, Hurt/Comfort, Drama, Angst

After the Fire Sale, Matt has nowhere to go and crashes at John’s place. John gets to know sides of Matt he never guessed at during their adventure on the 4th of July, and starts to like not having to eat alone.

Why You Should Read This:
Because it’s funny in some places, heartfelt in others and just leaves you with this nice warm feeling. Matt takes over everything and John just snarks along. Brilliant. And really, you can never have too much John/Matt.


  1. There is hardly any fic out here with this pairing and I was so excited to get the recommendation. It was wonderful to read. I like the dialogue, the problems of adjusting to some one so different in your space and especially the slow realization that your life is no longer empty. Beautiful writing.

  2. Unfortunately the link to this fic no longer works. I never got to read it.

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