Running from Destiny by taibhrigh

Title: Running from Destiny
Author: taibhrigh
Fandom: Chronicles of Riddick/The Sentinel fusion (no cast from The Sentinel)
Pairing: Riddick/Vaako, Eve/Kyra, Johns/Fry
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 36039
Genres: First Time, Drama, Action/Adventure, AU, Fusion
Warnings: Violence (Riddick… need I say more?), slavery (of non main characters; this

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Walk Through the Fire by taibhrigh

Title: Walk Through the Fire
Author: taibhrigh
Fandom: Chronicals of Riddick
Pairing: Riddick/Vaako
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 36,000 words
Warnings: Riddick’s language? Violence, Hellhounds
Genre: Adventure, Action, Humour, Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Drama

Riddick believes the universe is circling the drain and now finds himself in the midst of events

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