Stairway to Heaven by beastofthesky

Title:  Stairway to Heaven / Shadows Taller Than Our Souls
Author: beastofthesky
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Rating: R
Warnings: None
Genre: Romance, angst
Word Count: 7403/1130

Summary: Cas is extremely good at sitting on the couch for hours on end, eyes dull and lifeless, shoulders slumped, and Dean won’t admit it, but it gives him a little bit of pleasure that someone is more miserable than he is.

Why You Should Read This:

Beastofthesky has written a handful of Supernatural fics, all of which are wonderful but this one is my favorite of the ones she’s posted on AO3. (If she’s posted elsewhere, my apologies!)

I’ve never watch SPN, so all I know is from fanfic, as a warning. In this one, they stopped the apocalypse and Lucifer has made off with Sam, so it’s only Dean and Cas. Surprised that Cas has stuck by him, Dean eventually goes back to hunting demons. This time it’s Dean and Cas instead of Dean and Sam.

Of course there’s the standard inarticulate-Dean and not-understanding-humans-Cas before the boyz get together. But it’s gently and nicely done.

And don’t skip the 2nd part, it’s really the best. It’s them and so romantic, it’s almost sinful.

PS – and read both An Exercise in ‘Worthless’, an AU where Dean is a tattoo artist and Cas is a grad student, and Tangible, where Sam is the soul-mate of Lucifer.



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