Soul, Trapped in Canvas by ember_firedrake

Title: Soul, Trapped in Canvas
Author: ember_firedrake
Fandom: Les Misérables
Length: 21, 474
Warnings: Reincarnation, Previous Death, Mature Sexual Situations, Language
Pairing: Enjolras/Grantaire

Summary: “Who is it?”

He looks down at his paper. It’s the man from his dream, he realizes. It’s not a perfect likeness—but the furrowed brow is there, the slope of his nose, the proud curve of his lips. The man’s hair is perhaps wilder in the sketch than in the dream, and he realizes he has spent too long considering how this sketch compares to a man that is a figment of his subconscious.

He smiles wryly at the sketch, and says, “It’s Apollo.”

Why You Should Read This:
This story is about Enjolras and Grantaire receiving a second chance at life in the 21st century. It is well written and as the two struggle with their pasts, you can understand both of their points of view. This is just what I needed after watching the movie again.

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