In Which Tony Stark Builds Himself Some Friends (But His Family Was Assigned by Nick Fury) by scifigrl47

Title: In Which Tony Stark Builds Himself Some Friends (Series)
Author: scifigrl47
Fandom: Avengers
Pairing(s): Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Phil Coulson/Clint Barton
Rating: Mature (For the Series – Individual Stories Vary)
Genre: Humor
Word Count: ~330,000


A peek behind the scenes of what really happens at Avenger’s Tower.

This series of stories currently consists of six: Some Things Shouldn’t Be a Chore; Ordinary Workplace Hazards, Or SHIELD and OSHA Aren’t on Speaking Terms; Four (or Five) Reasons for Kidnapping Tony Stark; Dating the Long Way Around; Things Unseen (That Are Captured on Film) and Hollow Your Bones Like a Bird’s. It is still considered a WIP, although all six of these stories are complete, and each can be read as a stand alone. The author just completed the fourth book this week which is why I am delving into it now. The series also has two other related works: Phil Coulson’s Case Files of the Toasterverse and Secrets of the Toasterverse.

Why You Should Read This:

Folks, this person can write. The dialogue is snappy, the descriptions of what’s going on is done in a way that draws you in instead of throwing you out of what you are reading, and the characters are delightful. Yes, it’s humor, but it’s done so well that you just don’t care. Every time I read scifigrl’s work, I go away feeling better about everything. Really, this is work your time.


  1. 100% agreement on this rec. It’s outstanding!

  2. One of my all time favorite series, this author is a delight. And she’s always adding just a little bit more. Great rec, rabbit.

  3. Awesome rec. I was only reading the update to dating the long way round yesterday. Fantastic as always. Anyone who hasn’t read her before, read anything she puts. Its always brilliant. Her Tumblr is always a laugh as well. And you can find alot of her work there that she hasn’t put up on ao3 yet.

  4. I love this author. Easily one of my top three in fandom. Great rec!

  5. One of my favorite Avengers fic! I’ve re-read it several times. In fact, this may have been the first Avengers fic I ever read!

  6. Everything that this author writes is wonderful and she really does love to hear from fans. I love her series about Dummy (An Act of Creation). It is extremely powerful. I mean extremely powerful. I felt torn apart in the best way at the end of the fic. And best of all are the happy endings. Like Keira you can count on Scifi for her happy endings.

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