Desperate Measures By VVC

Title: Desperate Measures

Author: VVC

Fandom: Harry Potter

Pairing: Harry Potter/ Draco Malfoy

Word Count: 196K

Rating: Mostly PG-13. R-ish for the sex part.

Summary: Harry may be a half-Veela, but there was no such thing as a destined mate. If somebody wanted him, they would have to prove their worthiness. And Draco’s chances don’t look so good when Harry guts him at the welcoming feast… HPDM, mpreg

Warnings: Mpreg, Veela story, Creature Fic

Why You Should Read It:

I couldn’t resist recommending this. I know people are gonna think that it’s a typical Veela Story. It’s not. It’s unique and different from a lot of the Drarry’s out there. Draco has to properly court Harry and all. And if you have a squick about mpreg, the thing is mostly glossed over except at the part of the first …birth. But all in all I think it’s a good story to recommend. I happen to love it and reread it from time to time.


  1. highly recommended. it’s been on my favorite list since it was released

  2. love this story it one of my favorites.I also love her story Raspberry Jam and wish the sequel had been written.Also I don’t no if it just me but the link you posted for the story isn’t working.

    • Noted. I think I got it fixed. Give it a try again. 🙂

      I also love Raspberry Jam. I often wish that the author would write more fanfic. Even if it wasn’t HP fanfic. I think anything they wrote would be good. 🙂

  3. Still not working – but I googled so I have the link. I think your http is off, which is the problem. Try copying and pasting the link.

  4. good god. I just read the first chapter and already I’m in love with it. I love fics where Harry Stands up for himself. Yay. This is going to be so good. Good thing I don’t have anything to do today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. This one is a favorite of mine, right behind Secrets by Vorabiza. The first ‘test’ is so funny when Dumbledore and Voldie make all their people apply as a suitor.

    • 😀 First test was definitely the funniest. I think all the tests were amusing. I was a lot of fun to see how stupid all the suitors could be. LOL

  6. The link definitely works now hun!

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