Counting Stars by Soera

Title: Counting Stars
Author: Soera
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairing(s): Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Fix-it, Drama, Action/Adventure, Romance
Word Count: 151,875


Jack and Ianto’s relationship, as it develops throughout S1 and S2. Spins off into AU towards the latter half of S2.

Why You Should Read This:

I love anything Soera writes. I really do. But Counting Stars is by far my favourite. It’s also easily my favourite Torchwood fic.

This story really details the behind the scenes of the Torchwood episodes, and features a BAMF!Ianto who is likeable. It also deals well with Gwen, a character that I personally never liked on the show, without character bashing.

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