Coming Home by Amanda Warrington

Tite: Coming Home
Author: Amanda Warrington
Fandom: Nu!Star Trek
Pairing: Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 126159

Summary: Set a few months into their first mission, the Enterprise is ordered to pick up a Vulcan Healer and transport him to the new colony. Once there they are scheduled to remain and assist with the early stages of setting up the colony. Kirk’s liaison is his ‘old friend’ Ambassador Spock, now known as Elder Sepak, who takes the opportunity to help Kirk and Spock become better acquainted.

Why You Must Read This:
It kept me up ALL night. I couldn’t stop reading it. I didn’t even notice the sun coming up. There is angst, adventure, far off places, a Vulcan in disguise, Kirk and Spock doing HOT, HOT, things to each other. The plot is great and the author is definitely on my MUST read list forever.

Keira Marcos

Life is short -- read as much as you can.


  1. Thanks for rec’ing this. I’d read it not too long after it was first posted, but it was a great re-read.

    I know someone rec’d you Seperis’ You’ll Get There In The End for your birthday. She’s written a sequel called “War Games” which is typical Seperis (i.e. made of awesome). I thought I’d share as a thank you, if you hadn’t read it already. 🙂

  2. Thanks so much for the recommendation. I read it over the last week and really, really enjoyed it. It also turned me on to the Kirl/Spock archive which I was not even aware of. Some great stories there.

    Keep well,

  3. I’ve read this twice already and I’m going to start reading it again in about 15 minutes – and I haven’t even seen the movie!

    However, I’ve ordered the DVD on amazon and hope they will deliver by tomorrow.

    So, thanks so much for this recommendation. **hugs**

  4. OMG – you’ve got me reading fiction in another fandom. I already have problems staying up with everything in SGA, SG1, CSI’s, NCIS and Sentinal. Now i have to start looking for Nu! Star Trek?? And then today I see you have another story and it is in the Star Trek world. Dang. If I don’t stay on top of my job hunting tasks and have to admit to doing nothing this week, it will be all your fault!! Not that that is a bad thing. Thank you for recommending Coming Home. I really enjoyed it and went on to read several other stories on that site as well. I’m finding an addiction to Pon Farr fic.
    Well I’m off to read your latest.


  5. Shoot. I really want to read these, too, but for some reason, I can’t get my computer to jump to them.
    BTW, what the heck is this “die in a fire” thing people refer to in Star Trek?

  6. Hello
    Trying to read the last three chapters and can’t; am up to where spock has been told by his dad that he can’t bond with Kirk, and I keep being told that the author’s bandwidth limit has been exceeded…is there anyone out there who has saved this story or who knows if it is on another site? Need to know what happens dammit.

  7. I have no idea how I landed on your website, but I’m so glad that I did. Thanks for all the recommendations, especially this one here, which is the story I’m currently reading. So far I wasn’t even aware of the KS Archive and thanks to you now I have this one to browse too :). The dust bunnies underneath my couch say “thank you” too – the last days I didn’t have any time at all to hunt them *lol*

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