Close Protection by Cordelia Kingsbridge

Title: Close Protection & Ficlets
Author: Cordelia Kingsbridge
Fandom: Original Fiction
Pairing(s): Luca D’Amato/Jacob Ryder
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Drama, Suspense, Romance, (mild) D/s
Word Count: 293,000 +


After three consecutive expulsions for sexual misconduct, Luca D’Amato has no choice but to return to America. Jacob Ryder is the man charged with protecting him from his family’s many enemies – but who will protect Ryder from Luca?

Why You Should Read This:

This is a brilliantly written piece of work with something in it that you very rarely see written well: a bottom who is Dominant and a top who is submissive. Not that that is the end all of this work, but I had to get that out there. This story really has it all, the characters are well written, and you get to know them over time instead of everything about them being dumped on you all at once. The back-stories are insane enough to be believable and just sad enough to break your heart. This story consumed me for a couple of days, and I was sad when it was over. I was satisfied with the story itself, but I hated to leave these characters behind. I do suggest that you read the author’s welcome post before you get too attached to the fic to ensure that you do not find yourself reading something that you should not. Be responsible, people!


  1. This looks interesting – I’ll have to check it out. Thank you 😀

  2. It seems Cordelia Kingsbridge is now a pro author and has chosen to take all her early work offline so this story is no longer available.

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