The Bridges Universe by Miriel

Title: The Bridges Universe (on Wayback Machine)
Author: Miriel
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis/Stargate:SG1
Summary: From the author:This series began as a “What If?” response to the third season episode The Return Part 1, which ends in a cliff-hanger. What if General O’Neill hadn’t been able to negate the standing

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I Don’t Do Floors (The Rest is Negotiable) by Dances with Gary

Title: I Don’t Do Floors (The Rest is Negotiable) PG-13 Humor AU
Fandom: SGA
Pairing: McKay/Sheppard

Summary: “So, do you always travel with a machete and a parachute?” SG-1/SGA AU remix of ‘The Librarian: Quest for the Spear’.

Why You Should Read This:

It’s the perfect example of

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