Imprinted by ellenscult

Title:  Imprinted
Author:  ellenscult
Fandom:  NCIS
Pairing:  Gibbs/DiNozzo
Rating:  NC-17
Warnings:  Canon-level violence
Genre: Angst, Drama, Action/Adventure. Alternate Universe, First time
Word Count: 69,052


Tony and Gibbs hadn’t even heard of “imprinting” until a case of domestic abuse and murder brings it to their attention.  Descriptions of the symptoms

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Refractions by bigmamag

Title:  Refractions
Author:  bigmamag
Fandom:  Star Trek
Pairing:  James Kirk/Spock x3
Rating:  Explicit
Warnings: Violence, Torture
Genre:  Action/Adventure, Angst, Romance, AUs,
Word Count: 24816


Two separate parallel universes merge with their own as the Enterprise is sent to an unknown planet where a dangerous phenomenon is destroying ships and

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Streetlight People by LadyBlahBlah

Title:  Streetlight People
Author:  ladyblahblah
Fandom:  Star Trek
Pairing:  James T Kirk/Spock
Rating:  Nc-17
Warnings: prostitution, mentioned childhood sexual abuse, mentioned genocide, implied violence
Genre: AU, Romance,  Angst, H/C, Starfleet Academy
Word Count:  54,436


Strangers waitin’, up and down the boulevard, their

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Unexpected Meetings by Xennie_B

Title:  Unexpected Meetings
Author:  Xennie_B
Fandom:  Torchwood
Pairing:  Jack/Ianto
Rating: Teen
Warnings:  Canon level violence, temporary death of major character who routinely doesn’t stay dead
Genre:  Hurt/Comfort, Action/Adventure,  Outsider perspective, Angst
Word Count: 5871


Jack decides Ianto’s due for a break and a bit of a sleep in, so

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Other Plans by bomberqueen17

Title: Other Plans
Author: bomberqueen17
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing: John Sheppard/Rodney McKay
Rating: Explicit
Word Count:  108691
Genres: Action/Adventure, AU, Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Humor, First Time, John’s Kid
Warnings: Bad family dynamics


Life’s what happens when you make other plans.
Rodney McKay gets back from his unjust Siberia exile and

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Kiss You When It’s Dangerous by zoemathemata

Title: Kiss You When It’s Dangerous
Author: zoemathemata
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Dean Winchester/Castiel Novak
Rating: Explicit
Genre: Alternate Universe, Romance, Action/Adventure, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, First Time
Warning: Suicide, Graphic Knife Violence
Word Count: 57,593


When his partner Uriel, betrays him, Federal Agent Castiel Novak is saved from becoming a ritual

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Composition by nieded

Title:  Composition
Author: nieded
Fandom:  Torchwood
Pairing:  Jack/Ianto
Rating:  Mature
Warnings:  Creepy
Genre:  Action/Adventure, Drama, Dark, Horror-ish
Word Count: 8,350


Although it wasn’t clear initially, we have found many materials bearing the Torchwood symbol. Obviously, since Torchwood Three is the only functioning Torchwood cell remaining, you have first

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