The Madness of Angels by ayalesca

Title: The Madness of Angels
Author: ayalesca
Fandom: Sherlock BBC
Pairing(s): Sherlock/John
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Violence, torture
Genre: Romance, AU, Magic Realism, Urban Fantasy
Word Count: 87457

Summary: Urban fantasy AU. In which John Watson is a war sorcerer recently invalided home from Afghanistan. In London he meets Sherlock Holmes,

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Twilight Falling Slow by whiskeydaisy

Title: Twilight Falling Slow
Author: whiskeydaisy
Fandom: Sherlock (BBC)
Relationship(s): Mycroft/Lestrade, Sherlock/John (secondary)
Rating: Explicit
Genre: Alternate Universe, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Romance
Word Count: 31487


After the end of World War I, Major Gregory Lestrade thinks he will remain in the Army

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Northwest Passage by Kryptaria

Title:  Northwest Passage
Author: Kryptaria
Fandom: Sherlock (BBC)
Pairing: John/Sherlock
Rating: Explicit
Warnings:  Drug addiction, PTSD, mention of past torture,
Genre: Alternate Universe,  Romance,  D/S overtones,
Word Count: 95159


Seven years ago, Captain John Watson of the Canadian Forces Medical Service
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