At Least There’s The Football by Sheffiesharpe

Title: At Least There’s The Football
Author: Sheffiesharpe
Fandom: Sherlock (BBC)
Pairing: Mycroft Holmes/Gregory Lestrade, John Watson/Sherlock Holmes
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 179,000 words (over 14 parts)
Genres: Humour, Hurt/Comfort, Romance

Summary: There is no series summary, but this is from the first part; Lestrade arrives at the pool after the explosion and finds someone else is already there.

Why You Should Read This: I faithfully followed this series from the second part onwards. Will forever be one of my favourites. It’s mostly Lestrade centric, with an in-depth family history and a great back story. All the characters are written well, and I love this Lestrade. In all his punky glory. There are no big mysteries, no big angsty dramas. There is just two men getting together, learning about each other and making the decision to spend the rest of their life together.


  1. But seriously though, this is the greatest and I’m due for a reread.

  2. Thank you for posting this rec here!! I have been thinking about this series for months. I lost my bookmarks about a year ago and I couldn’t think of the name of the series or the titles of any of the stories for that matter. The Sherlock fandom has grown so much since I first found these and I was having difficulty parsing through AO3. Thank you for finding this and sharing it with us.

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