Title: Adventures: Hazardous to One’s Marital Status
Author: Starkindler
Fandom: The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings
Pairing(s): Bilbo/Thorin
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: discussions of future mpreg
Genre: Pre-slash, courtship, romance, talk of future mpreg, drama, AU (no Smaug attack)
Word Count: 24,571
Summary: When his family tried to marry him off, Bilbo thought to go on a little adventure, and finds himself in Dale. What he didn’t expect was to be single one moment and then halfway to married off the next, and to a Dwarf he’s never even met, no less!
Why You Should Read This: I found this to be a very promising first chapter of a series. The way that the characters are well written. The chapter itself is complete, but the series is just starting. Slight spoiler alert: In this universe Smaug didn’t attack, Thrain is now King. There are a few times that people are completely gob-smacked that are priceless. The mpreg doesn’t happen here, but it is talked about so I added it as a warning just in case.