The Inevitability of Time by dhampir72

Title:  The Inevitability of Time
Author:  dhampir72
Fandom: Skyfall
Pairing(s): James/Q
Rating: PG-13
Warnings:  Mentions of Past Character Death, Injury
Genre: Alternate Universe, Romance, First Time,  Soulmates,  Angst. Hurt/Comfort
Word Count: 27, 055

When they meet for the first time at the National Gallery Bond has  strange sense of deja vu.

Why You Should Read This:
A friend recommend this story to me. I read it in one sitting and knew I had to rec it here. Soulmate au’s are one of my favorite fanfic genres. The author of this story has a special and intriguing take on the idea of soulmates. While reading this story I experienced a roller coaster of emotions but in the end it left me feeling really good. I don’t want to say anymore because I don’t want to give anything away.  Read it, You won’t be sorry.

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