A Body To Die For by Candy Apple

Title: A Body to Die For
Author: Candy Apple
Fandom: Donald Strachey Mysteries
Pairing(s): Donald Strachey/Timothy Callahan
Rating: NC17
Warnings: Stalking, Kidnapping, Violence, Attempted Sexual Assault
Genres: Angst, Drama, Established Relationship, Suspense
Word Count: ~64,200

Summary: While Donald investigates a baffling missing persons case, Timothy does a little amateur modeling

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The Thin Man Takes a Husband by Diana Williams

Title: The Thin Man Takes A Husband
Author: Diana Williams
Fandom: The Donald Strachey Mysteries (Movie ‘verse)
Pairing(s): Donald Strachey/Timothy Callahan
Rating: NC17
Warnings: Violence
Genres: First Time, Suspense
Word Count: 11,011

Summary: A mistaken encounter plunges Timothy Callahan into an adventure, as he pretends to be married to the

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